Iran’s Cyber Power

  • Year of Printing: 2021
  • Print Edition:

The concept of power, which is the primary goal of states from a realist point of view, has been intertwined with several elements in time. Having and keeping the influential power, as a result of the developments in military technology and capabilities, is still one of the primary goals for many states. The concept of cyber power, which is a significant factor regarding military power, is one of the crucial elements of power in this context. Through cyber power, states achieve important acquisitions for national security based on both defence and offence.

The concept of power, which is the primary goal of states from a realist point of view, has been intertwined with several elements in time. Having and keeping the influential power, as a result of the developments in military technology and capabilities, is still one of the primary goals for many states. The concept of cyber power, which is a significant factor regarding military power, is one of the crucial elements of power in this context. Through cyber power, states achieve important acquisitions for national security based on both defence and offence.